Minggu, 27 September 2009

Typhoon Ketsana regional imagery, 2003.10.24

Typhoon Ketsana

Typhoon Ketsana regional imagery, 2003.10.24 at 0525Z. Centerpoint Latitude: 21:02:45N Longitude: 133:59:40E.

Typhoon Ketsana regional imagery, 2003.10.24 at 0525Z. Centerpoint Latitude: 21:02:45N Longitude: 133:59:40E.
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Data Elements: A 0900Z report from https://metoc.npmoc.navy.mil says that Typhoon Ketsana is located west-southwest of Iwo Jima and has tracked north-northeastward at 5 knots. Winds are sustained at 90 knots, with gusts up to 110 knots.
Observation Device: GOES-9 1 km visible imagery.
Visualization Date: October 24, 2003 08:55:58


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